Are you looking to work for a Dutch employer but they can’t help you with applying for your work and residence permit? Tentoo makes sure that expats and knowledge migrants can work without worries in The Netherlands.
A highly-skilled migrant is defined by the Immigration Service as an employee who works for a recognized sponsor in the Netherlands on the basis of a work contract and fulfills specific age, salary and experience requirements.
For highly-skilled migrants age 30 or older, a higher income requirement applies than for highly-skilled migrants under the age of 30 or for those who have graduated in the Netherlands. The amounts are index-linked on a yearly basis. For 2025, the monthly gross income excluding vacation pay is €5,688 for employees 30 years and older, €4,171 for employees under 30, and €2,989 for a highly-skilled migrant employed following the Orientation Year for graduates/highly educated persons. For a EU-blue card holder, the amount is €5,688 / €4,551 (recent graduates).
This income requirement does not apply to highly-skilled migrants performing scientific research or to physicians in training to become specialists. In these cases, the income must at least meet the provisions listed in the Dutch Minimum Wage Act (wml).
A family member of a highly-skilled migrant is defined as a spouse, registered partner, or unmarried partner, and any minor children. Family members may also use the accelerated formalities services.
Important information for highly-skilled migrants can be found in this IND document.
You can also consult this flowchart to determine what sort of visas and permits an international employee requires.
Companies wishing to hire an employee as a highly-skilled migrant must be a recognized sponsor of the IND. The conditions and application form for hiring a highly-skilled migrant can be found at this link.
A general flowchart of the highly-skilled migrant process can be found here in English and in Dutch.
Are you looking to work for a Dutch employer but they can’t help you with applying for your work and residence permit? Tentoo makes sure that expats and knowledge migrants can work without worries in The Netherlands.
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