If you become partially or fully unemployed, you may be eligible for unemployment insurance payments. The unemployment benefit is administered by the UWV. Over the short term, this is known as WW Uitkering. You can apply for WW Uitkering up to a week before your last work day to a week after your last work day. Applications for this benefit can be done online or in person at a UWV office.
To be eligible you must have worked for 26 out of the previous 36 weeks before the first day of unemployment (may be fewer if you are a musician or artist or not in regular employment) and lost your job through no fault of your own. You also need to be insured against unemployment which is usually the case when being employed by a Dutch employer. More information about the conditions can be found here.
The amount and duration of payments will be determined by your employment history. In general, a person may be eligible for one month of assistance for every year worked. It comprises the first two months at 75% and thereafter 70% of your last earned salary (with a maximum set each year).
If other benefits are in operation, the unemployment benefit can be restricted or reduced. You can apply for social welfare assistance (Bijstandsuitkering) if you have not been able to find a job when your WW Uitkering runs out. Highly-skilled migrants are not eligible for welfare assistance. However, a highly-skilled migrant dismissed early from their job may be eligible for unemployment benefits and time to search for a new job. For specifics, see here.