Home Living Dutch Customs and Cultures Handy Dutch Phrases
Handy Dutch Phrases
While most Dutch people speak English very well, it is not uncommon to encounter a (usually older) person that doesn’t speak English or doesn’t feel confident in the language. In these situations, it can be helpful to know some Dutch phrases!
Hello: Hallo, Dag, Goede morgen/middag/avond
Goodbye: Tot ziens (see you later) or Tot straks (see you soon)
Please: Alstublieft (formal) or Alsjeblieft (familiar)
Thank you: Dank u (formal), Dank je or Bedankt (familiar)
Excuse me: Pardon or Sorry
I am sorry: Het spijt me
I beg your pardon: Neem me niet kwalijk
As well as phrases, there is also some words you will hear commonly in the Dutch language:
Gezellig – Cozy, (sometimes) social
Lekker – good, nice (food)
Leuk – nice, fun