Home Service providers Expat Mortgages B.V.
Expat Mortgages B.V.
Service provider details
- Barbara Strozzilaan 101 1083 HN Amsterdam
- +31 (0)20 7173908
- info@expatmortgages.nl
- https://expatmortgages.nl/
Banking & Finance

With an open mind, you can really start going places.
We are Expat Mortgages. Financial experts who think in terms of opportunities and growth.
We open new doors when we push boundaries together. The doors to your expat adventure, to your dream home, in a vibrant, new city.
Whether you’re new to the Netherlands or just don’t quite feel at home in the world of mortgages, we’re here to help you achieve your goals. Together, on our tested paths or the way that suits you.
Look beyond what you know. Spot the opportunity and move right in! Say “Yes!” to your new life.
What are you waiting for? We get the most out of life when we work together.