Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) and Arriva are the principal railway operating companies in the north of the Netherlands.
You can use your OV-chipkaart or OVPay to travel by train. Or buy single tickets at the machine in the station or an e-ticket online or download the NS-App. Frequent travellers can buy discounts on their personal OV-chipkaart that offer 40% off during off-peak hours or free travel on weekends. You can also buy monthly and annual season tickets
Checking in and out
You need to check in at your departure station and check out at your arrival station when travelling by train. If you change trains mid-route but stay on the same provider (such as NS or Arriva), you do not have to check out and check in again. If you will be switching trains and they are from a different operator, then you will need to check out from one and check in with each train company along the route that you take.
There are different check in/out posts on the train platforms: in the north, Arriva check in posts are teal blue. The check in/out posts for the national rail line, NS, are yellow.