The following information is for Ukrainians in the north. when you arrive there are a few steps to follow:
1. Register with the municipality.
2. Make an appointment with the IND to see if you are entitled to temporary protection and receive your proof of residence.
3. If you need to apply for or renew your passport, contact the Ukrainian Embassy.
RefugeeHelp website
This is the online starting point for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands. Here you will find all the updated Information and resources available when arriving.
Working in the Netherlands
Everyone who comes under the Temporary Protection Directive can work in the Netherlands without a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or twv). This means that employers do not have to request a work permit for you. Employers should only notify the Employee Insurance Agency (in Dutch: UWV) that they are employing you. The work permit exemption applies to all jobs in employment.
Recognized Sponsors for labour purposes must file new IND statement
The European Union has introduced various sanctions against Russia and Belarus. This may also have effects on companies in the Netherlands that have ties with Russian and/or Belarusian companies.
The IND is therefore asking all recognised sponsors for labour purposes (employers) to fill in a statement about possible ties with Russian and/or Belarusian companies.
The statement and instructions for submitting the statement can be found at this link on the IND website.
Emergency Shelters
Various municipalities will provide emergency shelters for displaced Ukrainians.
People should contact the WhatsApp Helpline Ukraine from the Rode Kruis (06 48 15 80 53) if they need a place to stay. Their volunteers speak Ukrainian, Russian and English. Please note that most shelters in the Netherlands are full and there may be no places in the reception centre in the municipality where you apply. The municipality will then look for accommodation for you in another municipality where there is a place. When you arrive in the Netherlands, always report to a municipality to get accommodation and temporary protection.